Validation Activity 02
Α one to one meeting was organized by Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) with the company LAVA Mining & Quarrying SA (LAVA) in Athens on 18/05/2015 at their premises. LAVA extracts, processes and trades industrial minerals not also in Greece but also in international markets.
Initially the GreeNet project was presented as well as its targets and its expected results. Secondly, our intention was to get the input of the company’s representatives related to the competencies needed to work in the green labor market. Our primary target was to connect the GreeNet’s activities with the green labor market. During the discussion we obtained a clear idea of what criteria in the environmental education are considered crucial to connect students with green jobs.
LAVA representatives confirmed that it is very important for the students to get close to all various aspects of their business and through this connection to be able to provide valuable solutions under the umbrella of green labor aspect.
The operations of LAVA (extraction, mining, shipping, etc) call for a very interaction between green labor and the sustainability of this kind of business. The company’s representatives pointed out that there must be a very well prepared engagement of students coming from local communities that could lead in fruitful outcome for both ends (the company and the students). This outcome entails a clear and thorough assessment of LAVA operations and a clear commitment to include green labor in the company’s ambition and mid-long term plan.
Last the company representatives assessed the following points as the most important criteria needed from job applicants: i) the connection to professions in the green labour market, ii) the accurate and factual professional expertise and iii) interdisciplinary skills and the competence to drive results and take full ownership of appointed tasks.