UBT University of Bayreuth (DE)
Short Profile
The scientific profile of the University of Bayreuth (UBT) is characterized by interdisciplinarity, individuality, innovation and internationality. Teaching and research at the intersection of disciplines, as well as traditional and modern degree programs in the humanities and social sciences, in law and economics, in the natural and engineering sciences lead to generally recognized degrees including the doctoral degree. The UBT enjoys partnerships with over 40 universities and research institutions across the globe, and is particularly active in European mobility programs. The UBT is an internationally operating and cooperating research university with structures capable of innovation. Research and teaching are supported by a modern computing centre, a well-stocked central library with specialized libraries in the faculty buildings, and a language centre teaching about 20 foreign languages. A specific Centre of Math & Science Education (Z-MNU) provides the school-relevant training scenario for pre-service teachers in mathematics and science and the focal point for frequent teacher enhancement courses. There are approximately 12000 students on the campus, a substantial part of them are pre-service teacher students. As a role they study three subjects: Two major scientific subjects as well as pedagogy/psychology. The courses include structural teaching programs for secondary teachers; a range of subjects for study is offered all of which can be studied on their own or combined with educational studies. Furthermore, in-service teacher training courses are offered for qualified teachers. The pre-service teacher education of maths and the natural science subjects is concentrated in the Z-MNU (Centre of Maths and Science Education), an institution founded to optimize especially the education and enhancement of teacher training. Within the 10 Bavarian universities, the Z-MNU is the only institution of this specification. The head of this centre is Professor Dr. Bogner.
Key People
Professor Franz X. Bogner (first doctoral degree: Dr. rer.nat; University of Regensburg; second degree: Dr.rer.nat.habil. University of Munich; post-doctoral fellowship at the Cornell University Ithaca, NY). After a first Full Professorship at the University of Education in Ludwigsburg/Stuttgart (1997-2004), he was appointed at the University of Bayreuth, again as a Full Professor and head of the Department of Biology Didactics. Additionally, he is the acting director of the Z-MNU (Centre of Math & Science Education) at the University of Bayreuth. He and his group are mainly involved in pre-service teacher education and in-service teacher enhancement. Prof.Bogner research projects consistently included cognitive (and emotional and attitudinal) assessment.
Mona Schoenfelder holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and a Master of Education from the University of Bayreuth in Biology and Chemistry. She is currently a doctoral student at the Chair of Biology Education, focusing on environmental education and inquiry-based learning.