Ökologisch-Botanischer Garten (ÖBG)
The ecological-botanical garden was founded as a central institution of the University of Bayreuth in 1978. Within its boundaries it accommodates over 10 000 plant species from all over the world. They are mostly grown in environments closely resembling their natural habitats. Not only is the diversity of plants displayed but also their ecological relationships and functions to contribute to the important task of nature conservation.
The central task of the ÖBG is to support research and teaching of the university. It provides a range of facilities for educational and research purposes as extensive sample areas (8ha), a modern lysimeter, several ground water basins, a weather station, laboratories, a herbarium, a seed collection as well as an extensive library which forms part of the main university library. Every semester the scientific garden staff offers independent courses.
Apart from research and teaching the garden serves the public for education and recreation.
Ökologisch-Botanischer Garten
University of Bayreuth
PD Dr. Gregor Aas
Universitätsstraße 30
95447 Bayreuth
Phone: 0049-(0)921 552961
Fax: 0049-(0)921 55 2976
E-Mail: obg@uni-bayreuth.de
Web: http://www.obg.uni-bayreuth.de/de