Welcome to GREENET
The generation now being educated will have to do what we, the present generation, have been unable or unwilling to do: stabilize a world population, …stabilize and then reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, …protect biological diversity, …reverse the destruction of forests… and conserve soils. Those who follow us must learn how to use energy and materials with great efficiency. They must learn how to utilize solar energy in all its forms. They must rebuild the economy in order to eliminate waste and pollution. They must learn how to manage renewable resources for the long term. They must begin the great work of repairing, as much as possible, the damage done to the earth in the past two hundred years of industrialization. And they must do all this while addressing worsening social and racial inequalities. No generation has ever faced a more daunting agenda.
(Orr, 1993. Environmental Literacy; Education as if the Earth Mattered)
The aim of GreeNET project is to create an inventory of Best Practices related to sustainable development and environmental protection. Explore the GREENET Best Practices, exchange your activities with colleagues and share your own Best Practices using the GREENET Inventory. You can also have access to unique training materials, guidelines and relative info in the GREENET Moodle.